Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The doctor says: "Hell yeah!"

Friends - we have some great news (incredible, miraculous, amazing, beyond-belief news!) I am attaching an email from Brian's wife, Sarah.

As Sarah and the family are currently exhausted, excited, and inundated with calls and emails, they are not able to update everyone personally, as they would like.

Thank you for praying... miracles are happening in Couer D' Alene, Idaho today.
~ Rachel

Hi Everyone,

Some of you may or may not have heard, but Brian was injured ski racing on Sunday afternoon. When he fell, he landed on his head on the left side and suffered a subderal hemotma. He was intubated and put under, after being unresponsive and combative at the scene and airlifted to Koontenai Memorial Hospital in Couer d' Alene, Idaho. He had surgery right away to remove the hemotoma and the surgery was a success.

Since then, he has been anesthetized and will be for the 72 hours after surgery. He is still intubated (having a machine breathe for him) to keep him relaxed and to keep an eye on the swelling of his brain. All of his vitals and every test being done on Brian have been positive and so far so good.

This morning was great! His doctor wanted to do his exam while he was awake, so they took him off the anesthesia (temporarily) to see how he would respond to his tests. Brian moved his thumb on command, he opened his eyes on command, he opened his eyes on is own. His brain is working like it should! It was the best morning I've had in my entire life. He is going to be anesthetized again to stay on the plan of keeping him under for the 72 hours, but the doctor was very happy with the results. In fact he said that he was going to write on his chart that today's result was a "Hell Yeah!"

It's going to be a long road of rehab and recovery and I will do the best I can to keep everyone updated, but ask that you give me some time to just be with him and let you know when I can. Rowan and Aspen are with my brother in Denver and they are doing great. Luckily, my Mom was visiting and is able to be there with them as well to help.

Please keep our family in your prayers....they have been working so far and I'm going to bring Brian home and we're all going to live a long and happy life. Please pass this information to anyone whose email I don't have.

Sarah Connelly


  1. Hi Sarah,
    I'm Rachel's mom, from Montana. We are so thankful for the great news this morning. We'll keep praying for Brian, for you, and for your families. We met Brian last summer at Rachel & Cam's wedding here. We'll look forward to meeting you someday too, and to more good news in the days ahead!

  2. And I'm Cameron's Mom. I was thrilled to hear the news this morning. Brian is a wonderful person and quite the optimist when it comes to injury...I know that is helping him a lot right now. Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you.

  3. Go Brian go! We all know you are such a strong person, you will get through this and we will all be laughing together soon! Love you guys!

  4. Brian, Sarah, and Rowan,

    We love you so much! You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Jenn & Logan

  5. Whether it's alcohol or survival... the Connellys never know when to quit!

    Can't wait to see you Brian. Hopefully I can be out there by this weekend.

    Steve (cousin)

  6. Brian, Sara & Rowan - You are in our thoughts and prayers. This is a great way to keep us up-to-date on Brian's progress, and we're sure that will be the key word for him ... progress!
    Even though we are far away, if there is ANYTHING we can do, please do not hesitate to let us know.
    We are looking forward to seeing you at the Connelly Reunion in Boston in 2010!
    Fondly, Dan and Susan Connelly

  7. We are so excited to hear the news. We are sending lots of love and prayers for Brian. Know that we are thinking of you. Love Lee, Kathy, Preston and Madison.

  8. Brian, Sarah and Rowan-
    We are so encouraged by Brian's progress. I am so grateful by Brian's love of life, I know he is fighting so hard to get through this trial and give us that big ole smile of his!! We love you guy's and we are praying for him and all the Dr's and Nurses that are helping him at this time.
    Lisa, Norm, Campbell and Parker
    California (Cousins)

  9. Brian, Sarah and Rowan,

    All that you need will be provided; just keep believing in miracles and loving life. We are so thrilled at the incredible progress to date. Knowing that the best medical help is there along with the prayers and love, recuperation will move swiftly! We send our love, prayers and hugs to all of you!


    Aunty Linda and Uncle Bill

  10. Brian, Sarah and Rowan,

    Emil and I are praying and sending you all of our positive energy and Grandma Jackie sends all of her love.


    Mimi and Emil

  11. Brian, Sarah, and Rowan,
    This is the best news! Every day will get better. Keep up your strength for Brian, so take care of yourself. Help is everywhere, like love is. You have so many people in your life circle that are there for you, Brian and Rowan. With all that love, Brian has no choice but to get better. Love, Aunt Mary Ellen

  12. Brian, Sarah and Rowan-

    Our prayers are with you everyday. We know Brian will be up and about in no time; it's how the Connelly's work. Love you all and I'll expect to speak with Brian very soon! ;)

    Love you guys,
    Dan - (cuz)

  13. Best of luck and God Speed...

    Stepbro Ken

  14. Sarah, Briane & Rowan, So glad things are looking better and better everyday! We will keep you in our prayers. And who said Moms (Sue) don't know when our kids will need us!! I think it was a blessing that Sue was in town when all of this was going on!

    Diane and Jack Czerniak

  15. I am your Aunt Mary Ellen's pastor friend from CO, doing what I do best, praying for you and for Brian. I'll ask my congregation to join with me. May God bless you, Kay

  16. Wow. This is not the news I wanted to hear about the race. I know the passion Brian has about racing. I know he will use that same passion to recover. Stay strong, rest and we will all pull through for a full recovery. Be positive and don't rush anything. We will be waxing skis again.

    Ryan in Spyglass

  17. Jessi,Stuart and myself continue to keep you in the forefront of our thoughts. time to get well and Rock the new drum kit.see ya soon bud-J.
