Thursday, March 26, 2009

Post surgery report

Brian is now out of surgery. He is doing well, but unfortunately, they were not able to replace the bone flap due to pressure in the brain. As Sarah said, "This is only bad because we will be here longer, but it is not a progress issue. He just was not ready for it yet."

He is currently off of the propofol for good. It is now time for him to wake up! The ventilator is still in, but they will begin weening Brian off of that as soon as he is able to swallow, cough, etc., on his own.

Sarah said she is sitting by his side now and will continue do so so as he wakes up. They are talking with him and trying to stimulate him enough to wake up. It's still very early on in the process, so I don't know much more than that.

As for the surgery, we will just wait and see. The doctor will know when Brian is ready and he will do it at that point.

Sarah wants to report that they are doing great.

So, such is the journey of healing. Some tremendous joys, and some minor setbacks. Now is the time that our thoughts, prayers and well-wishes will truly make a difference for Brian. We know that the next few days, weeks and months are going to be difficult and they will have their work cut out for them. But if any two people are strong enough thrive in a situation like this, it's Brian and Sarah.

Keep Brian and the family in your prayers. He is going to need a lot of peace and comfort right now, which I'm sure he is receiving plenty of.



  1. thanks for the post. My love and support continues and it is difficult to be so far away. Everyone here is thinking of Brian and Sarah and sending tons of love and prayers. Aunt Mary Ellen

  2. Wow! Sounds kind of like a roller coaster ride for those of you there with Brian and others close to the situation. But it's all part of the cycle of healing, and we know progress is being made. Our prayers continue for Brian and for all of you, that you can stay rested and healthy and strong!
