Friends, to fully understand how amazing this, you would have to understand this surgeon, and the situation that Brian was in initially. When he originally told Cam and I the dire odds, it was one of the worst moments of our lives. He was very compassionate, but very straight-forward and brutally honest.
To know that this very same surgeon is now beaming from ear to ear with joy over Brian's progress is amazing, absolutely amazing. There truly must be something incredible in that Connelly blood and that Dane faith because this is all very miraculous.
We will be receiving another update this evening after Brian's surgery!
Keep praying. And smile a little too. :)
If we'd let him get up, Brian would
totally be high-fiving the doctor right now!

So what I know for sure is that there are powers and forces that are stronger than we can ever imagine. We touch those forces when we pray, when we send positive energy, when give physical or email hugs and kisses and we all call those forces by different names. I firmly believe that Brian and Sarah feel those forces by whatever names we give them. We all can't be there with them, but our hearts and souls are there. So, Hell Yeah!!! Every day, every hour, every second, Hell yeah!!!