Thursday, March 26, 2009

Update from Sarah

I want to first thank everyone who has shown their love and support throughout all this. All the prayers and well wishes and offers for help are so generous and greatly appreciated. Brian is going in for surgery today at 3:30 to have the bone flap replaced. We're putting him back together. Right now, I'm listening to one of the alarms that are going off because his craneal pressure was -1 :) This morning, he was off the propfol for about 4 hours. We just put him back on because he seemed to be getting agitated, which is normal. He had his eyes open this morning and was recognizing us and seemed to calm down when I told him I was here and wasn't leaving his side.

At this point, tomorrow morning will be his wake up day. He will most likely get that venitlator out and again we will continue to put him back together. Once he is awake, visitation is going to be limited, so as not to give him too much stimulation. I ask that everyone wait for me to give the ok (for those of you who are near) before you plan to come and see him. Chances are, you won't be able to anyway, and since my visits will be limited too, I want all the time I can get with him.

Again, words cannot express the love that we feel from everyone. Please hug your loved ones extra tightly today. If you haven't told them you love them, give them a call and tell them twice :)

Love to all,
Sarah, Brian and Rowan


  1. Keep the good news coming!! We are all sending you tons of prayers and positive thoughts.
    Love, Jenn & Logan

  2. We're sending all the positive energy we have. We love you. Hang in there!

    Mimi and Emil

  3. Yes, yes and yes!

    This is the best news I could have ever imagined. I cannot believe the progress Brian has shown in 5 days! Thanks to prayers, good thoughts, great doctors, family, friends, love and most importantly a wonderful wife that loves him and hasn't left his side.

    Keep up the great work Sarah and I will return Brian's boot once he is ready to take it from my hands!

    We love you guys,


  4. Just found out today. Brian get better soon. Sarah thanks for the call and let us know if you need anything. Get better Bri, we are thinking of you.

    Darrin, Beth, Alex and Ben
