Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is it really June already?

Hello Family and Friends,

I wanted you all to know that we are doing better than great! I continue to believe that Brian is truely a miracle and I thank God for him every day.

Today is a big day for him, as he is scheduled to take his driving test after therapy. Oh...did I mention that he is down to one day a week for therapy and that either today or next week will be his last day? If I forgot, it's only because I'm so excited to NOT be driving to Denver every week :)

Work has started, slowly. Brian, of course, wants to go full speed ahead, but I do have to reign him in to make sure he doesn't over do it. He's starting to feel like himself again and that has made all the difference.

Rowan is walking! She decided one day about a week and a half ago that she didn't need to hold on to anything anymore and off she went. Now, she doesn't need to pull herself up by grabbing the table or anything. Just gets into a squat and pushes herself up with her strong little legs. She's so much fun at this age and starting to say a lot of words like "baby, uh-oh, hi, fish, turtle (from bath time), hat and hot (which sounds a lot like the same word but this kid loves hats!)."

I am doing great and just happy that my family is whole! Thank you for all your support and love and prayers.


Sarah Connelly


  1. What wonderful news! I am so happy all is going well. You are all still in our thoughts and prayers. Your post made my day!!



  2. This is very awesome news, Sarah! It does my heart some serious goodness to hear that he is back to himself. Every time we talk to him, he seems more and more "him", but I didn't know he was working again. This is just awesome... what a miracle!
