Monday, April 6, 2009

Awesome News

Today, Brian was moved out of the ICU!

Not only has he been moved, but he actually stood on his feet (with assistance) and is getting stronger every day! Today was a great day!



Also, to answer a question I keep getting asked: Yes, Brian is speaking more. I guess it wasn't clear from our last couple of updates, but he HAS now said more than the word "no". When Sarah and I spoke yesterday, she said he was talking and even saying some very Brianesque things - which is a very good sign! ~ Rachel


  1. Yipee!!!!!!!!! Every day a little bit stronger.....

    Mimi and Emil

  2. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!
    We are thinking of you!!!

    Rich, Cara and Ava.

  3. Great News!!!! Love Lee, Kathy, Preston and Madison

  4. That is TERRIFIC! Hearking back again to my own brain surgery 12 yrs ago -- I don't know how Kootenai Hospital is set up, but at UCLA Med. Center's neurosurgery ward there were wooden rails in the hallways for the patients to hold on to. As soon as I was able, I'd get out of bed and walk around the area (holding on of course) to help get my strength back. I didn't get anything in the way of therapy except "step" -- step up on something, then step down again -- apparently re-training you for staircases. GO BRIAN!
    -- Cathy Horan, greater Los Angeles

  5. This is all such good, encouraging news. You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers each day. ~ The Lautarets

  6. Brianesque! That is Brian! That is the best news.....! Tell Brian we are all cheering for him and sending tons of love and prayers. Aunt Mary Ellen

  7. Piece of cake Brian you'll be out and raising hell in no time. I'm looking very forward to seeing the family ASAP, so hurry up already.

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you all Sarah! Love, Brenda

  9. I'm so happy to hear how well it is going. Keep the good news coming!

    Linda Clear

  10. Great News,
    One day at a time,

    Love to you all,
    Lisa, Norm and the boys
